The Handicrafts of Gujarat by Marilyn Romatka

Documentary / Travelogue
“The world is a book, and those who do not travel read only one page.”
– Saint Augustine

I have spent a large part of my adult life traveling the globe – in search of folk art, hands skilled in handicraft, and people who were different than me. I had seen many things; great things!

In spite of this, India rocked my world!

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Traveling is wonderful in many ways. It captures us with a sense of wanderlust and has us longing for more destinations to visit, cultures to experience, foods to eat, and people to meet.

But what does art do for us humans? It’s been said it makes us human. Art makes us feel like nothing else can. Folk art, specifically, is the democracy of the art world – art of, for, and by, the people.

Broaden your horizons. Come along for the ride; all the beauty, with none of the jet-lag!

This video is a recording of Marilyn's Guild Presentation of over 323 slides and 21 video clips, accompanied by classical Indian music. Total runtime 59 minutes.

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