Inkle Weaving Basics with Annie MacHale

Tips and Tricks for Getting Started

Annie is a dedicated inkle loom weaver with over four decades of experience and loves to share her enthusiasm!

As a teacher and mentor, she has observed new weavers asking the same set of questions as they first start out. In this video, she demonstrates the basics of warping and answers some of those questions.

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Learn tips for:

  • Reading a pattern chart
  • How to know if your heddles are the right length for your loom
  • Winding on a warp
  • A fast way to switch between warp colors
  • Winding a shuttle
  • Weaving the first rows
  • Keeping your edges even as you weave

An Inkle Weaving FAQ's and Answers page over on Annie’s blog is a great companion to this video. Find it here:

For a full course on inkle weaving, see Marilyn Romatka's video:

To learn about using color and creating patterns that you love, see Annie's book "In Celebration of Plain Weave: Color and Design Inspiration for Inkle Weavers" available here:

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Excellent video, Annie is clear and concise with teaching everyone to warp and begin weaving a band! Thank you, Annie, its so much appreciated!
By  Autumn22  on  Oct 07 2023 17:29 PM