Cotton Spinning with the Takli with Joan Ruane

Joan gives you clear step-by-step instructions on how to use your takli spindle, she also shows you how to open and successfully close an Indian book charkha. Spinning on the charkha is also included.

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This video takes you through the growing and processing of cotton, all the way to the final step of lovely finished projects using your handspun cotton yarns! Everything is included from the spinning from the seed, to plying your singles, with tips and secrets giving you a chance to really know your cotton fiber.

Full Video Duration: 2 hours and 11 minutes

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Customer reviews:

Joan was so clear on her instructions. I really like in the video where she gave the viewer time for a little practice before the next lesson.  I really learned so much from this Takli Spinning video.  I do recommend this video for anyone wanting to learn to spin on a Takli.
By  Bjharlan  on  Nov 15 2020 02:07 AM