Ply-Split Garlic Basket with Linda Hendrickson

The basket uses techniques of ply-split braiding, found mainly in the desert between India and Pakistan.  Today only a few men are still carrying on the tradition of using sticks, fingers, and goat hair to create exquisitely-patterned ply-split girths for their camels. 

Contemporary fiber artists are keeping the techniques alive by using them in new ways, and with new materials.  Ply-splitting is an exceptional technique for making 3-D objects, and for geometric designs.

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Linda Hendrickson began experimenting with the technique in 1993, after taking a workshop with Peter Collingwood, author of The Techniques of Ply-Split Braiding.  She has taught ply-splitting workshops and exhibited her baskets in North America and England, and has written articles about ply-splitting for National Basketry Organization News, Handwoven, Shuttle Spindle & Dye-pot, and Spin-Off.  She is also the author of "How to Make Ply-Split Baskets" and "How to Make Ply-Split Braids & Bands".

Full Video Duration: 49 minutes

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Customer reviews:

Linda did a fantastic step by step instruction of the Ply-Split Garlic Basket so easy to follow and pause
when required.  Very thorough.  The added bonus was that Linda’s sweet personality shone through and warmed my heart.   Thank you Linda
By  Warmsunnysmile  on  Oct 10 2018 21:55 PM